Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Round 1: the mosquito!

So after we took "Joh" the turtle back to the woods, I ran in to some nasty mosquitoes! Boy do they have a tough right punch! I didn't even see them coming but mom did. She saw one land right on my eyelid. It wasn't until the next morning that I looked like this! Dad got me out of bed and didn't know what to say, but when mom saw me she told dad to call my doctor asap! He said to give me some benedryl and I should be fine. It took a good 3 days for it to get all better but only having one eye didn't slow me down one bit! But from now on I don't leave the house until I'm slathered in "OFF" bug spray! That will teach those little varmints to mess with me! Mom says they like to bite me because I'm so sweet!


Emily Thompson said...

oh my! So cute, poor thing! Glad its better now :o)

sal said...

that is some mozzy bite!