Monday, June 22, 2009

Mama's boy

I may be all boy but I'm also Mama's boy! Dad is a close 3rd after Jonah, but if my Mama is around she's the one I want! I had a slightly traumatic time a couple weeks ago when mom threw out her back and had to take muscle relaxers...which meant I was cut off for good! But I'm over that now and we just cuddle lots and lots. I love to rock with her especially at bed time. First we go over all the names of our family members, then I point out all of her facial features: eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, ears, eyebrows, teeth, tongue, head, hair and even her mole! Then I lay my little head down on her chest and we rock and rock. Sometimes I let her sing to me but most of the time I say, "no sing"...maybe she should take the hint!

Summer time baby!

My Pop-Pop

I admit, I'm not the best picture's just that I don't really like to sit still. But mom managed to get one of me and my great-grandpa at the senior citizen center where I got to eat dinner with him one night. Jonah and I spent most of the time running around the tables making all kinds of noise but I'm sure we also provided lots of good entertainment! Jonah calls him Popperdoodledug but right now I just call him Pop-Pop!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thomas the Train!

A day out with Thomas isn't all it's cracked up to be. First of all, that train is scary! The long whistle, the steam and the loud chugga chugga is enough to make even the toughest boys cling to their mama's! I'm not saying that's what I did...and I'm not saying that's what I did for the entire 25 minute train ride either...let's just say I was giving mom some good snuggle time and leave it at that!
Now, Sir Topham Hatt I liked! After meeting my BFF (the Easter bunny), any character is a friend of mine! And after a lot of hesitation and a few nudges, I reluctantly got a tattoo on my arm. I squirmed as best I could getting it on but after that I really liked it.

There was a little train there that I liked quite a bit and I even sat by myself (with mom beside me of course). A little snack didn't hurt either.

My favorite part of the whole day: digging for gold (aka splashing in the water)!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Haircut!

I spend 18 months growing out the perfect mullet and mom chops it right off! She's gonna miss running her fingers through my locks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cool treat!

Taking full advantage of Jonah having his tonsils out! I wasn't about to let him eat all the ice cream!