Friday, January 30, 2009

14 months!

At 14 months old the biggest news is that I've got words! Now I've always been a great communicator (yelling, grunting, etc.) but I can say lots of stuff now (at least my parents can understand). My favorite word is "Puffs" and I often ask for them when I'm in the kitchen. I even spotted them in the grocery store the other day and had to have them! In addition to "Mama" and "Dada" I can also say "dog", "ball", "balloon", and "Nana". I try to say "Jonah" but I mostly call him "Bubu" for now.
My favorite toys are balls, dogs and cars. I love to go outside even when it's really cold. When dad leaves for work I cry now...not because I'm going to miss him...just because I want to go outside too! Sorry dad but you know it's true!

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