Monday, September 1, 2008

9 months!

Yeah! I'm 9 months old already. And I am a man on the move! No lounging around for me. I prefer to stand up everywhere I go. I can pull myself up on chairs, the couch, the wall, anything! Mom and dad have to be real careful though because some things tumble right on top of me and I'm not too fond of that. I've already had my share of bonks! But I'm a tough little cookie.
Mom and dad call me "sniffer boy" because wherever I go I always sniff and smile real big. It always makes them laugh.
So I had my nine month check up on my actual nine month birthday but we were in the middle of moving so I didn't get to post right away. Anyway, here are my stats: I weigh 20 lbs. 8 oz. (50%), my head is 17.75 inches (50%) and I am 30 inches long (90%). This doctor visit was fun because I didn't have to get any shots!
I am a real good eater just like my big brother. My favorites are the orange veggies like carrots, sweet pototoes and squash. I also like green beans. My favorite fruits are bananas and peaches. If I see Jonah eating a banana I make a bee line for him fast! He is always so kind to share with me too. And in between meals I love to snack on Puffs and Cheerios and shredded mozzarella. And there is nothing dainty about how I eat. I grab fist fulls and shove them in, hoping some of them make it to my mouth. And just like my daddy was, I'm a scavenger! After I eat I get down on the floor and hunt under the table for anything I or anyone else might have dropped. I can't just let good food go to waste!
Daddy is back at work now and the first thing he brought home was a cold! And he gave it to me and Jonah! Not very nice Daddy! So far mom is the only healthy one in the house but as much as Jonah coughs on her and I rub my snotty nose on her, she's bound to get it soon enough.
Well, thanks for checking in on me. I'm off to get a good nap in (or so mom hopes)!


sal said...

get well soon zekey! you're getting really tall! :)

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

He has grown up so much even since last time I saw him....great stats Zekey!!! The man in the mirror is hilarious!!

naomi said...

happy 9 months! lucy just started to stand up too and is giving her mom some stress filled days!