Saturday, August 9, 2008

8 months!

Look at me! I am such a smiley boy. And where oh where has the time gone? I am now sitting up, crawling and am about to sprout my first little toofers! My mom knew month 8 was going to be a big one. That is when Jonah started doing all of these things too! And boy do I want to do everything he does! Especially eat! Whenever I see him with food I try my best to get to him as fast as possible. Even if I've already eaten, I still want some of what he's having. And if you know Jonah, he is always eating! Our favorite thing to do is eat Puffs together. He is good at feeding me. When I get to pick them up myself I have to make sure I grab all of them with both hands before I eat any. Then sometimes I forget they are in my hands and I start looking for more. I haven't quite mastered the pincher grip yet but my whole hands work fine for now. I can get more in my mouth that way! I can also drink water from a sippy cup.
Besides eating, I love to jump in my jump-up or in the lap of whoever is holding me. I've got lots of energy and I am very strong! According to the airport luggage scale I weigh exactly 20 lbs! I go in for my next check up in a couple of weeks so we'll see how accurate it is. As you can tell from my picture, I still love my feet and will grab them any chance I get! Oh, I am now sleeping through the night! Yeah, it only took me 8 months...I think it was harder for mommy than it was for me! She wasn't going to make me cry it out until I was at least 6 months old but then we took a big month long trip to Washington so she didn't want to do it when we got back home, she let me get over jetlag and last night was the big test! I woke up a couple times but dad said it didn't take me long to go back to sleep. He was in charge of listening for me because mom can't stand to hear me cry. I sure was glad to see her in the morning though! I gave her the biggest snuggle hug ever! Then I had some milk! Lots of milk! I love my Daddy but right now Mama has my heart! If she's in the room and not holding me I let her know about it. I'll be playing happy as a clam with dad but if I catch a glimpse of her I realize I want her and now! And of course she can't resist me! It's a win win situation for sure! (For everyone except Dad I guess, sorry!)
Here's a video of me in action!

1 comment:

sal said...

that was a cool video zeke! you move fast :)