Sunday, April 27, 2008

5 months!

I am 5 months old already! Pretty soon I'll be as big as Jonah. I think I am fixing to grow some more because I can only stay awake for an hour before I need another nap. That puts me at 3 or 4 naps a day! When mom notices my sleepy cues (rubbing my eyes) she sings me a couple of songs, usually "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "You are my Sunshine" and lays me down in my bed. I fuss a little before falling asleep. I'm a bit unpredictable though, sometimes I'll nap for an hour and sometimes 3 hours. I always wake up so happy though!
I am trying my best to sit up. If I'm in my car seat or swing I try to do sit-ups just so I can have my head up like a big boy.

As for my new tricks, I can roll from my tummy to my back but the other way is still too hard. It won't be long though, I can really arch my back and almost get over. I'm a very smiley boy. "Hi Beautiful" are still my favorite words. They get me every time!

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