Monday, March 31, 2008

4 months!

I'm 4 months old already! Mom asked me to wait until my check-up to make this post because she wanted to see how much I weigh now. Well, the numbers are in and I'm 17 pounds, 9 ounces. As for length and head circumference, my nurse forgot to leave the paper with that info so I will have mom call and find out tomorrow. But my doctor did say I am in the 95th percentile for weight and length and the 50th percentile for head circumference. I did a lot better at this appointment, I even smiled and talked to my doctor. I've figured out that he's's the nurse that I don't care for. First she makes me take off all my clothes (and I'm not even getting a bath), then she puts lots of shots in my legs that really hurt. Don't worry, I made sure I screamed real loud all the way out the door.
Not much else is new with me. I am getting close to rolling from my back to my tummy but haven't made it all the way yet. I love to play under my playmat and bat at all the toys and I love to be carried facing out so I can see the world. My favorite thing to do is watch my big brother. In the mornings (I'm usually catching a few more zzz's in mom and dad's bed) he comes in and cuddles me and talks to me. He always makes me smile! And taking a bath is still my favorite thing to do in the whole world. Here I am brushing my own hair...or trying to eat the brush if you want to get technical.

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