Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm 3!

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to! That's right, I was a crab apple for the majority of my big day. Daddy made me french toast for breakfast, my favorite, and I got to pick the activity of the day: FUN DEPOT! I had a blast until it was time to go... Hammin' it up in the soft play area. Check out this bowling form! A little tractor action! Air hockey fun!
And here is my signature face! Mom and dad told me my face might just freeze this way but I wasn't buying it.

After my nap (which did wonders for my attitude) it was party time! We ate pizza and had a fun cookie cake upon my request. And of course presents!

I'm always asking to wear mom's ring so she got me one of my very own!
Mom and dad tried to mimic my cheesy face in this picture but Jonah and I decided to mix it up a bit...poor Micah looks a bit perplexed.
Overall it was a fun day. I can't wait to turn 4 cause then I'll get to go to school like Jonah!

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