Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dr. Bill

I had my first dentist appointment last week and to mom's utter shock and amazement it went really well! You see, I'm a bit unpredictable when it comes to new people, especially those who want to look in my mouth. But I was a trooper and mom was so proud! Jonah and I had our appointments at the same time. He didn't need mom's help but I wanted her close...just since it was my first time and all. First the dental hygenist asked me what my favorite foods were. Mom cringed a bit and expected me to say, "cake, ice cream, chocolate" (the good stuff)! But I told her I liked bananas, grapes and yogurt! I'm a smart boy! And mom's cringe suddenly turned into a little burst of pride. Then I climbed onto the table by myself and let her count all my teeth. After I was done I asked her for a lollipop! I get a big confused with all of these doctors. My pediatrician gives me stickers, the dentist gives out balloons but it's mom's baby doctor who gives out lollipops. Whoops! Then Dr. Bill came in and checked out my teeth too. I was a little shy but he was real nice and it didn't take long for him to count all my teeth. I have 16! 4 more should be coming anytime now so watch out! I did get a blue balloon and a new toothbrush with some cool flossers when we were all done. Unfortunately at home the balloon went to be with the clouds. I was a wee bit sad so dad got me another one on his way home from work. Unfortunately again, that one popped when I was dragging it around the house. Easy come easy go!

1 comment:

Emily Thompson said...

so fun! so glad he did well!