Thursday, May 28, 2009

18 months!

A year and a half old already, where does the time go? So first things first, I went to see my doctor today and I'm doing great! Last time my weight had gone down a bit but I more than made up for that this time. He could tell by my plump little belly that I was packing on the pounds! I didn't mention that I usually polish off Jonah's food after I'm done with mine. This time around all my stats were between the 50-75%. I weighed 27.10 lbs., am 33 inches long and my head circumference is 19 inches. Healthy as a horse! I've also got 8 teeth. Since I detest my multi-vitamin so much he said I could take the chewable kind like Jonah and that is so much better! The best news of all was that I didn't have to get my shots today. Apparently I'm not due till next week so I lucked out...for a little while at least.

I'm a big talker these days too. I can put 2 and 3 words together but the one that works the best is "pease". Mom and dad give me whatever I want if I say that one! I like to hold up my finger and say, "one more pease". One more is never enough but I keep saying it over and over till I'm full. I also like to say, "gin" (again) whenever we're doing something fun. If I don't get what I want a fit is in order which includes me throwing myself onto the floor or flapping my arms everywhere. Yes, I may have a little bit of a temper problem but I'm working through it.

I am becoming more and more interested in books these days. Especially ones with animals! I can say all kinds of animal sounds but my favorites are the horse, cat and duck. I really like to read at night and sometimes Jonah reads to me. I go to bed at 7:00 and get up between 6-7:00. I usually like to get up at 6:00 on the weekends so I can get in that extra play time! I'm pretty sure my parents like it! When someone gets me out of my bed they have to get all of my babies out too. First I hand them the jaguar, then my water bottle, then my bear and blue baby and last we acknowledge the duck with a little "quack-quack" but then we put him back in the corner of the crib. After we've gathered up everything we can head out to play!

I'm becoming more and more of a climber! Anything I can get on I will! I also like to sit at the table in a regular big boy chair like everyone else instead of my little booster one. I insist on feeding myself at all times. I won't even let anyone touch my bowl or plate. I politely remove their hand and continue on my own. Big boys don't need help!

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