Thursday, January 15, 2009

13 months!

Time flies when you're having fun! I almost forgot to post this month's picture. Mom has been having a hard time getting me to sit still! I can run now and do so everywhere I go. I can also walk backwards, jump and march. I'll pretty much do anything for a laugh. I like to purposely fall down just to get Jonah to laugh at me. Even though he's the older one, I run the show around here. I decide what we'll play and when. I also like to run up and tackle him. Mom's not a big fan of this because she's afraid someone is going to get hurt but I love it! And our new tent is the perfect wrestling ring. We have Jonah's old crib mattress in there and we have so much fun jumping and falling down on eachother.
I'm a big wiggle worm when mom is changing my diaper, she has to practically wrestle me to get a new one on. If I don't get what I want right away I throw my arms up in the air and yell. Mom says we're working on patience...whatever that means! She also says we don't throw tantrums around here...but I've got news for her! This guy does! I know, I know you wouldn't believe it from this sweet face but I was born feisty and I've still got it! Just for the record, I can be a snuggly little guy too. I love to rock with Mama and give her cuddles and kisses. I love to get my face as close to hers as possible and sing little baby songs to her. I'll even give her hugs when she melts her heart.
I love to go outside and often go get my shoes and run up to the door. Unfortunately it's been really cold here lately so we've had to stay inside.
I love to eat of course. But I do not like cow's milk. Mom has to mix it with some bananas to get me to drink it. But I'm pretty sure I get my calcium with all the yogurt, cheese and broccoli I love. I've just got 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom) but I can put away all the table foods everyone else eats.
I've just about given up my 3rd nap now. I've even been sleeping a little later in the mornings! Well, that's about all for this month. I'm growing like a weed and my tummy is expanding by the day! Love and baby kisses to all!

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