Friday, August 22, 2008

From Crawlin' to Cruisin'!

Since I'm a big boy now I decided to pick out my own toys from the toy box. I simply crawled right over, pulled myself up and wah-la! All the toys I could want, right at my little fingertips! I was searching for a whiffle favorite!
Then my Daddy came home from his first day of work! I sure did miss him. Now I will reach for him even if Mama's in the room, us boys have to stick together! I don't get to see him too much these days. Sometimes if he's lucky he gets to play with me in the mornings but when he comes home I'm usually asleep or heading for a nap shortly. I still take 3 a's beauty rest people! It's not easy being this cute!

1 comment:

Wyatt Kids said...

You are right about are very cute! Just don't tip over in that toy chest like I did. My mom and dad laughed so hard they left me in there.