Monday, June 30, 2008


Last week we went to Tennessee to visit some of mom and dad's friends from Hong Kong. I was just a bun in the oven when we left Hong Kong last year so no one had met me yet. Despite my brother waking me up a lot (all 4 of us had to share a room), I was a trooper for the whole trip. I didn't get to do as many things as he did but I did get to play with a really cute girl name Naomi. She made me giggle a lot!Here we are at the park. Me and Naomi...Hugs!
At the zoo...I wasn't quite sure what to think about this billy goat! The whole gang...Juliet, Andy, Christopher, Alex, Kylee, Joh, Anna, Naomi...and you know the rest! I'm trying to figure out who is holding me...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

7 months!

I'm getting bigger every day! Here it is, already 7 months since I arrived into this world. I can now almost sit up by myself and I can turn a 360 on my belly. I haven't quite figured out how to get up on my knees but I can still get around all right. I am a very smiley boy, I open my mouth real big to grin! I'm eating lots of new foods too. So far I've tried spinach, peas, peaches, pears, prunes, sweet potatoes...I think that's all. I like to sit in my baby pod to eat and to let mom and dad know I'm done I try to lean as far back as possible. I'm still not sleeping through the night. I like to get up at least a couple times to make sure mom is still there and to get a little snack. If it weren't for our upcoming trip to Washington, my parents might make me cry it out but thankfully mom says I can wait until after our big trip since I'll probably be fighting jetlag and all. I still do not have any teeth, although I love to chomp down on anything I can get my hands on. Mom says it won't be long and she's scared!

Jonah just had to get in on my photo shoot. He's so silly. He's always trying to hold me and hug me and kiss me. Even though I look a little disgusted here, I don't mind, I love him!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mommy and Me!

I admit, I'm a bit of a Mama's boy right now. I don't like it when she leaves the room. Don't get me wrong, I like playing with Dad but if I see her then I suddenly remember I want her!

I was all smiles this afternoon. Dad was being silly and making me giggle!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My first swing!

I've been to the park a lot but this was the first time I got to go in the swing. It was pretty fun but I kept tipping forward and I kept trying to eat the seat so mom took me out. But then I got to swing with her and that was much more relaxing.

Pretty soon I'll be big like Jonah and get to swing high!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Weekend Part II

I have the best Daddy in the world! For his special day all of us boys got crowns. I am the #1 Best Little Boy and Jonah is the #1 Best Big Boy! Together we are the "Two Best Boys".
My Nana and Pop also came over and I got to hang out with Pop while Jonah hogged Nana. Then when I went down for a nap I let Nana borrow my crown. We made a few minor adjustments and she got to wear it. Apparently Papa is Mom's dad and Pop is Nana's dad. I also webcammed Ma and Pa and get this, Pa is Dad's dad. This is all a bit confusing for me...all I know is that I've got the best dad ever and I'm so glad he belongs to me!

Father's Day Weekend Part I

For Father's day we went to the Nature Center with Papa. It was my second time there. The first time Mama pouched me but this time I got to stroll...she says I'm getting heavy or something. It was nice to be outside and I enjoyed my ride! Before we left I got to "drive" a tractor with my brother. I thought that was pretty slick!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Random Cuteness!

Bedtime stories with Nana.
First time in a bath was fun but hard to get me out of!
Snuggling on Dad's shoulder (I can almost find my thumb!)
Playtime with Mama!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tummy Yummies!

This weekend I had my first taste of solid food and boy was it good! I ate rice cereal with prune juice! (Dr. Chu suggested this because of my long intervals between poos...once every 12 days! Hopefully this will help.) I didn't make any weird faces at all, I just ate up every bite. I used my hands a lot to make sure dad was aiming right into my mouth though. And unlike Jonah I am not bothered at all by getting messy. I had food on my hands, face, legs, socks, you name it. I can't wait to find out what I get to try next!