Wednesday, May 28, 2008

6 months!

I'm half a year old already! Look out world, soon I'll be motoring around. I can now roll both ways and I've discovered my voice! I squeal and yell just to make sure everyone knows I'm here. Sometimes I even startle myself I yell so loud. Mom and Dad laugh at me and that makes it even more fun. My favorite thing to play is the chasing game. Mom holds me while Dad chases me around the house and when he catches us he tickles me! I like to play in my office a lot more too. I try my best to eat the toys. The only problem is when I get tired my head starts to tip over. Another one of my favorite things to do is to sing in the car. I have a really low voice and I just sing myself to sleep as soon as I get in. It also makes everyone laugh but I know I sound good!

I had my well baby check-up today and I'm doing great! I gained one pound and a half an inch since my last visit. I weigh 18.9 lbs (75%)and I am 27.5 inches long (50%-75%). My head is 17 and a quarter inches (50%). My doctor said he's never met a baby who eats as little as I do and still gains weight. Instead of one minute, I now nurse for 3 minutes and I've done it as long as 5 before but that is rare. What can I say, I don't like to waste time! I was also a real trooper this time with my shots. I got 4 of them plus an oral one...that was yummy! I only cried when she put them in and then I was fine. Jonah did a great job of preparing me.

Here is Jonah at 6 months...besides our outfits and the fact that we are both playing with our left foot, could we look any different?

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