Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm a boy!

Big news everyone...I'm a boy! The first time mom and dad tried to find out the cord was between my legs but the second time around, there was no doubt, I'm a xy! Right now I'm about 10 1/2 inches long and my eyelids and eyebrows are fully developed. My mommy is 21 weeks along and she says I wiggle a lot. I've got an older brother named Jonah who I can tell already loves me. He says "baby" and rubs mom's belly. He also thinks there may be a baby in his belly too! Silly boy! I can't wait to meet him and my mom and dad, but I've still got a lot of growing to do between now and then and mommy and daddy have a lot to do too like buy a new house and set up a nursery for me. Here in the States mom won't get any more ultrasounds so this is the last picture of me until I make my grand entrance into the outside world. See you in about 4 months!


Wyatt said...

Welcome to the blog world and what a fantastic name! How did your parents come up with it?

sal said...

you are ahead of your times!! :) good stuff ezekiel. can't wait to read about your birthday!