Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm here!

Hi Everyone! I was born on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 1:51pm. I weighed in at 8 lbs even, was 21 inches long and my head circumference was 14.4 (sorry mom!). I have brown hair and dark eyes. Mom did a good job getting me out quickly. I started out slow with some contractions early in the morning so we went to the doctor and they told mom she was in active labor even though she didn't feel like it. So we went to the hospital at 10:30am and the contractions started getting a lot stronger. Mom decided she wanted to get an epidural so she could half way enjoy the delivery but they only got so far as numbing her back when I started to come. Then one push later out I came! Just 3 hours after being admitted to the hospital. The poor doctor (actually's other 3 doctors were busy I guess) barely had time to get her gloves on. She told mom not to push yet but that wasn't exactly an option. Mom said a pound sure does make a huge difference and she was glad I was smaller than Jonah and not bigger.

When Jonah came to visit me he couldn't keep his eyes off of me and he couldn't stop smiling either. He looked at mom's belly and said, "Baby Zeke out". I think we're going to be great friends.

Mom and I stayed in the hospital for 2 days but now I'm home sweet home!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm no turkey!

Despite some predictions I decided not to come out on turkey day. I wanted to enjoy all that good food (via mom)... and I guess I need to bake just a little longer. I've been pretty quiet today with only a few kicks here and there. I guess it's true when they say turkey makes you sleepy...

Here are my parents and me on my first Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Baby Shower

The math department at Dad's school threw him a surprise baby shower in honor of me! First we had a wonderful Mexican lunch then they brought out gifts. Mom was in on it because one of the teachers had to call her and tell her to come, but she kept it a secret from dad for 2 whole days. My dad is lucky to work with such thoughtful, caring people.
Unfortunately mom forgot the camera so no pictures were taken at the party, but here are the wonderful gifts I got.

My big brother Jonah even got a gift....a truck! He wanted to sleep with it he liked it so much!