Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm not so sure I have the green thumb in the family but I sure do love to be outside running around and I love to eat, does that count!?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

The Easter bunny was good to me! I'm sure it was because of all those hugs I gave him last week! I enjoyed the goodies in my basket and I took this egg hunting stuff very seriously.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to take down big brother!

First I catch him.
Then throw him to the ground and pin him.
Roll on him.
Rest. Just a typical afternoon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Picking daisies

My great grandpa has the coolest yard with tons of purple and white wild daisies. Jonah and I are buttering mom up!


Last weekend was the best! Although I missed the official egg hunt I still got to play with the eggs and had a great time putting them in my basket.

And I met my new BFF! He's big and white and gives the best hugs! Here I am chasing him down. The other kids might have been bigger than me but I was more persistent!

I gave that Easter bunny more hugs than anyone! I never made the first move though. I just walked up to him slowly and I never actually reached out and hugged him but I let him hug me and I kept coming back for more!

Every once in a while I let some other kids come and get pictures taken with him but then I was right back in there getting more hugs!
I hope I get to see that Easter bunny again real soon!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My big brother is cramping my style! I was in here first!